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作者:罗国刚  韩建峰  屈秋民  乔晋  杨剑波  武成斌  张辉  李正仪  杨华  邓美英  韩雪梅  赵松珍 
单位:西安交通大学第一医院神经内科 陕西 西安 710061 
关键词:认知 老年人 MMSE 


Objective:To analyze the optimal application groups and influent factors of MMSE were studied.Methods:A total of 4921 old people aged 55 years and over were selected by means of randomized stratification cluster sampling from the urban and rural areas in Xi'an.The MMSE scores distribution and positive predictive values were analyzed among subjects of different ages and educational levels.Multiple stepwise regression method was used to evaluate significant variables.Results:MMSE scores showed a negative and cliff distributions for different ages,education levels,as well as for the whole sample.Moreover,these features were found to be most pronounced in relatively younger old subjects (less 70 years) with comparably higher educational levels (upper high school).Accordingly,the screening-out rates for dementia were higher among relatively older subjects with poor educational levels,when compared to younger and fairly well-educated subjects.Variables such as education,age,sex,hearing loss and daily functional abilities could significantly affect the MMSE score (P<0.001).Conclusion:The MMSE scale can be best applied to older people (upper 70 years) with lower educational background (illiterate,elementary and below).Its performance as a screening instrument for dementia deteriorates significantly for younger subjects with higher educational levels.


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