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作者:朱金富  杨德森  肖水源 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所  湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:Coronary heart disease Behavior traits Involvement and detachment 

Objective:To study the relationship between behavior characteristics and the involvement and detachment in pa- tients with coronary heart disease. Methods: 81 patients with coronary heart disease and 59 normal controls were evaluated by Type A Behavior Scale, HAD and the Scale of Involvement and Detachment. Results: The patient group showed significantly more type A behavior pattern and higher anxious mood. Negative correlation was found between the degree of involvement and type A be- havior pattern and anxiety. Conclusion: Cognitive behavioral therapy may be necessary in clinical treatment to patients with coro- nary heart disease.

Objective:To study the relationship between behavior characteristics and the involvement and detachment in pa- tients with coronary heart disease. Methods: 81 patients with coronary heart disease and 59 normal controls were evaluated by Type A Behavior Scale, HAD and the Scale of Involvement and Detachment. Results: The patient group showed significantly more type A behavior pattern and higher anxious mood. Negative correlation was found between the degree of involvement and type A be- havior pattern and anxiety. Conclusion: Cognitive behavioral therapy may be necessary in clinical treatment to patients with coro- nary heart disease.


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