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作者:李晧1  陈龙1  裴华2  张凤阁2  张本2  马文有2 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所  北京100101 
 开滦集团有限责任公司  河北 唐山 063000 
关键词:应激 社会应激事件 人格 大五人格量表(NEO-FFI) 

目的:对企业职工的应激评价与其人格特征的关系进行研究。方法:采用自制的社会应激事件调查量表和NEO -FFI人格问卷,抽取某企业集团4,745名职工进行应激源、应激水平和人格测量。结果:被试的压力总分与人格维度中的神经质(N)、外倾性(E)、宜人性(A)、严谨性(C)显著相关。与低应激组相比,高应激组的N、C分高而E、A分低。在10类应激源中有 6类的应激评价分别受到一个或几个人格维度的影响。结论:以神经质为主的某些人格特征与职工的应激评价有一定的关联性。

Objective:To study the correlation of employees' stress evaluation to their personality traits. Methods: A total of 4745 employees of a group corporation were evaluated for their stressors, stress levels and personality traits with a self-developed Social Stressor Questionnaire and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Results: Employees' overall stress was correlated significantly with the personality dimensions of neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), agreeableness (A), and conscientiousness (C). High-stress subjects scored higher in N and C,and lower on E and A than the low-stress ones.Evaluations of 6 out of 10 types of social stressors were affected by one or more of personality traits. Conclusion: The present study suggests that employees' stress evaluations are associated with some of their personality traits in which neuroticism plays a leading role.


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