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作者:彭瑛1  郭文斌2  王国强3 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神科  长沙 410011 
关键词:Major Depression Coping Styles Personality 

Objective: To explore the relation among depression, coping styles and personality in major depression. Methods: 87 major depression patients and 90 normal controls were assessed by Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Coping Styles Questionnaire. Results: The patients were found with higher scores in Neuroticism and Psychoticism, and lower in Extrovision and positive coping styles than normal controls. Significant relationship was found among depression, extrovision, psychoticism and positive coping styles. The last three accounted for 36.8% of the variance of depression in major depression. Conclusion: The patients scored high in neuroticism and psychoticism, and low in extorvision and positive coping styles. The application of little positive coping styles may be a part of extrovision and/or psychoticism in major depression.

Objective: To explore the relation among depression, coping styles and personality in major depression. Methods: 87 major depression patients and 90 normal controls were assessed by Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Coping Styles Questionnaire. Results: The patients were found with higher scores in Neuroticism and Psychoticism, and lower in Extrovision and positive coping styles than normal controls. Significant relationship was found among depression, extrovision, psychoticism and positive coping styles. The last three accounted for 36.8% of the variance of depression in major depression. Conclusion: The patients scored high in neuroticism and psychoticism, and low in extorvision and positive coping styles. The application of little positive coping styles may be a part of extrovision and/or psychoticism in major depression.


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