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作者:周萍1  周象贤2 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学  湖南 长沙 410081 
关键词:Music therapy Jue-tone music Stress Channel point 

Objective:To observe the effect of the Jue-tone music on the stress. Methods:49 students from Shankou middle school were randomly divided into two groups, one group listened to Jue-tone music for ten minute and the other had a rest for ten minute after speed composition, then measured the electricity value on their channel points. Results: The electricity value on their channel points of the group that they listened to Jue-tone music were reduced more than that of the other group even on Shenmen point, Taichong point and Taixi point(P<0.05). Conclusion:Jue-tone Music can reduce the electricity value on channel points post-stress.

Objective:To observe the effect of the Jue-tone music on the stress. Methods:49 students from Shankou middle school were randomly divided into two groups, one group listened to Jue-tone music for ten minute and the other had a rest for ten minute after speed composition, then measured the electricity value on their channel points. Results: The electricity value on their channel points of the group that they listened to Jue-tone music were reduced more than that of the other group even on Shenmen point, Taichong point and Taixi point(P<0.05). Conclusion:Jue-tone Music can reduce the electricity value on channel points post-stress.


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