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作者:王玉林  刘碧英  王锐 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院  湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:Job stress Medical staffs General hospital 

Objective:To explore the job stress status of medical staffs in general hospital.Methods:A total of 201 medical staffs were sampled from a general hospital in Changsha City,Hunan Province, and their job stress levels were evaluated by the Medical Job Stress Inventory.Results:The subjects from internal medicine department showed significantly higher job stress level than those from surgical department;and the doctors group showed higher stress level in the interpersonal subscale than the nurses group.Conclusion:It is important to pay attention to medical staff's job stress and job burnout in order to improve their mental health levels.

Objective:To explore the job stress status of medical staffs in general hospital.Methods:A total of 201 medical staffs were sampled from a general hospital in Changsha City,Hunan Province, and their job stress levels were evaluated by the Medical Job Stress Inventory.Results:The subjects from internal medicine department showed significantly higher job stress level than those from surgical department;and the doctors group showed higher stress level in the interpersonal subscale than the nurses group.Conclusion:It is important to pay attention to medical staff's job stress and job burnout in order to improve their mental health levels.


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地址:湖南省长沙市中南大学湘雅二医院内, 410011
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