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作者:范红霞  时勘 
单位:中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 
关键词:Stock investors Coping style Stress 

Objective:To study the coping style of Chinese stock investors.Methods:Coping Style Questionnaire was sent to 1840 stock investors. Results: Solving-problem and Retreat were often used; the coping style was significantly different among investors of different investing time, investing cycle, profit and loss,and self-evaluation on stock knowledge. Investors of different time of investing were significantly different in the coping skill of seeking help and rationalization.Negative coping ways were more adopted by the investors of long investing cycle,and loss or no profit or loss. Conclusion:We need pay attention to investors' mental health, especially to the long-time invest and investor of loss; it will improve the investers' ability to cope with setbacks when we help them to master more stock knowledge.

Objective:To study the coping style of Chinese stock investors.Methods:Coping Style Questionnaire was sent to 1840 stock investors. Results: Solving-problem and Retreat were often used; the coping style was significantly different among investors of different investing time, investing cycle, profit and loss,and self-evaluation on stock knowledge. Investors of different time of investing were significantly different in the coping skill of seeking help and rationalization.Negative coping ways were more adopted by the investors of long investing cycle,and loss or no profit or loss. Conclusion:We need pay attention to investors' mental health, especially to the long-time invest and investor of loss; it will improve the investers' ability to cope with setbacks when we help them to master more stock knowledge.


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