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作者:李虹  王善慧 
单位:1. 清华大学教育研究所 北京 100084 
关键词:College Student Anxiety GHQ 

Objective:To describe the anxious status of college students.Methods:Adopting standardized GHQ -Anxiety Scale as a measure to assess a total sample of 788 college students from first year to third year at three universities in Beijing.Results: About 20% of the respondents' raw scores are higher than the conceptual mid -point of 2.5, and they are therefore considered to exhibit high anxiety.Among the other 80% of the respondents, about 40% reported low anxiety,and about 38% did not report any anxiety.Conclusions:About 60% of the respondents are considered to exhibit anxious tendency,within which about 20 % are considered to exhibit high anxiety.

Objective:To describe the anxious status of college students.Methods:Adopting standardized GHQ-Anxiety Scale as a measure to assess a total sample of 788 college students from first year to third year at three universities in Beijing.Results: About 20% of the respondents' raw scores are higher than the conceptual mid-point of 2.5, and they are therefore considered to exhibit high anxiety.Among the other 80% of the respondents, about 40% reported low anxiety,and about 38% did not report any anxiety.Conclusions:About 60% of the respondents are considered to exhibit anxious tendency,within which about 20 % are considered to exhibit high anxiety.

全国教育科学十五规划重点课题 (ABA010012)子课题

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