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作者:舒幼娥  孟宪璋 
单位:暨南大学人力资源管理研究所 广东 广州 510632 
关键词:High school student Defense mechanism Defense measure 

Objective:To explore the character of the defense mechanism in high school students so as to offer reference for the mental healthy consult and instruction of middle school.Methods: 231 grade two high school students were investigated with Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ).Results:Most of the high school students inclined to use the mature defense mechanism; There was interaction between the sex and origin in the concealment facctor ; city girls score the least(conceal the most) and country girls score the most (conceal the least).There were differences on sex: boys score significantly high in splitting and dissociation while in idealization girls get more than boys, Still there were differences on origin: students from country score higher than those from city on complaint and check, city students inclined to use much moer anticiation.Conclusion: As a whole, high school students incline to use mature defense mechanism, and there are differences of sex and origin on the mechanism measures.

Objective:To explore the character of the defense mechanism in high school students so as to offer reference for the mental healthy consult and instruction of middle school.Methods: 231 grade two high school students were investigated with Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ).Results:Most of the high school students inclined to use the mature defense mechanism; There was interaction between the sex and origin in the concealment facctor;city girls score the least(conceal the most) and country girls score the most (conceal the least).There were differences on sex: boys score significantly high in splitting and dissociation while in idealization girls get more than boys, Still there were differences on origin: students from country score higher than those from city on complaint and check, city students inclined to use much moer anticiation.Conclusion: As a whole, high school students incline to use mature defense mechanism, and there are differences of sex and origin on the mechanism measures.


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