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作者:王湘  程灶火 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究中心 湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:Implicit memory Brain damage Psychopharmacology Functional neuroimaging 

This article provides a selective review of recent research on implicit memory in the clinical field and explored the related brain structures and mechanisms of ImplicitMemory. Dissociations between implicit memory and explicit memory have been observed across a variety of patient groups and tasks. In addition, the psychopharmacological research and functional neuroimaging research also suggested that implicit memory is a relatively independent memory system. According to these results, we reviewed the clinical application of implicit memory, including the implicit learning of memory- impaired patients and the prevention of in?? traoperative awareness.

This article provides a selective review of recent research on implicit memory in the clinical field and explored the related brain structures and mechanisms of ImplicitMemory. Dissociations between implicit memory and explicit memory have been observed across a variety of patient groups and tasks. In addition, the psychopharmacological research and functional neuroimaging research also suggested that implicit memory is a relatively independent memory system. According to these results, we reviewed the clinical application of implicit memory, including the implicit learning of memory-impaired patients and the prevention of in traoperative awareness.

王湘, 硕士研究生

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