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作者:李强  刘艳 
单位:南开大学心理学研究中心 天津 300071 
关键词:Enterprise manager Coping way Mental health 

Objective:To investigate the coping ways of enterprise managers and their effect on mental health. Methods: 136 enterprise managers were surveyed by using WCRS (edited by Baoyong Liang) and SCL- 90.Results: In accordancewith the Six Factors of Coping Ways Model (by Baoyong Liang), the scores of catharsis and acceptance factor of the managers were relatively higher than those of others and their score of partial attribution factor were the lowest. The enterprise managers usually adopted two coping ways, which was significantly related to the results ex amined by SCL- 90.Conclusion: Different coping ways of enterprise managers have a significant effect on their mental health.

Objective:To investigate the coping ways of enterprise managers and their effect on mental health. Methods: 136 enterprise managers were surveyed by using WCRS (edited by Baoyong Liang) and SCL-90.Results: In accordancewith the Six Factors of Coping Ways Model (by Baoyong Liang), the scores of catharsis and acceptance factor of the managers were relatively higher than those of others and their score of partial attribution factor were the lowest. The enterprise managers usually adopted two coping ways, which was significantly related to the results ex amined by SCL-90.Conclusion: Different coping ways of enterprise managers have a significant effect on their mental health.


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