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单位:广东省人民医院 广东 广州 510080 
关键词:左颞叶 颅底 占位性病变 韦氏智力量表 

目的:探讨左颞叶和颅底占位性病变在韦氏智力量表分测验中的损害模式。方法:对96例脑部占位性病变患者采用韦氏智力量表 (WAIS -RC)中的常识、词汇和相似性分测验进行测试。同时采用一个常识、词汇与相似性相对照的参数来对不同部位的患者进行比较。结果:左颞叶和颅底占位性病变患者在常识和词汇分测验上比相似性分测验成绩差,58.8%的左颞叶患者和 72.7%的颅底部患者参数〔(常识 +词汇 ) /2 -相似性〕为负数,而左额叶组、左顶叶 /左枕叶组及右半球组患者参数值则正数比率高,比率分别为 63.6 %、57.9%及 59.3%。与左额叶组、左顶叶 /左枕叶组和右半球组相比,左颞叶组和颅底组参数值更多为负数,差异有显著性,P <0.05。结论:本研究显示左颞叶及颅底部损害与常识和词汇分测验比相似性测验受损更明显相联系,支持左颞叶和颅底部损害可能更易损害记忆功能,尤其是语义记忆功能。

Objective:To explore the damage pattern of left temporal lobe tumor and cranium basal tumor on WAIS -RC. Methods:Ninety -six patients with brain tumor were tested with the Information, Vocabulary and Similarities subtest of WAIS -RC the result of which was compared with the index of the Information ,Vocabulary and Similarities sub -test of the patients with brain tumor in other locations.Results:58.8 percent of the left temporal patients and 72.7 %of the cranium basal patients had a negative index scores, and 63.6% of the left frontal patients, 57.9 % of the parietal/ occipital patients and 59.3 % of the right -hemisphere patients had a positive index score.Left temporal patients and cranium basal patients tended to score more negatively on the index than did left frontal, left parietal/ occipital and right-hemisphere patients, P <0.05.Conclusion:The left temporal and cranium basal brain damage show the unusual WAIS-RC pattern with more impaired on Information and Vocabulary than on Similarities.The left temporal and cranium basal lesions may impair verbal semantic memory.


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