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作者:姚静1  孙学礼1  王洪明2 
单位:1. 四川大学华西医院心理卫生中心 四川 成都 610041 
关键词:认知功能 年龄 性别 教育 

目的:探讨认知功能与年龄、性别、受教育程度的关系。方法:对120名正常受试者采用全套韦氏成人智力测验(WAIS -RC)、逻辑记忆测验(即刻、延迟)、视觉再生(即刻、延迟)、Stroop测验(C、C -W)、词汇流畅测验、连线测验A、连线测验B、汉诺塔测验(TOH)、威斯康辛卡片分类测验—改良版(M -WCST)等神经心理学测验进行测评。结果:男性在某些语言功能、视觉空间能力上优于女性 ;年龄是影响右侧大脑半球认知功能的重要因素 ;受教育年限主要影响语言的抽象、概括能力。结论:性别、年龄、受教育年限是影响认知功能的重要因素。

Objective: To discuss the relationship between age, gender, education and cognitive functions.Methods:120 normal subjects were tested by WAIS-RC, Logical Memory, Visual Reproduction, Stroop Test, Verbal Fluency, Trail Making, Tower of Hanoi(TOH) and Modified Version of Wisconsin Card Sorting Tests(WCST).Results: Man surpassed woman on some ability of language and the capacity of visual space.Age was an important factor affecting the cognitive functions of the right brain.Education primarily influenced the capacity of abstraction and generalization in language.Conclusion: Gender, age and education were important factors affecting the cognitive functions.


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