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作者:许明智1  李恒芬2  赵惠芳2  王静2 
单位:1. 广东省精神卫生研究所 广东 广州 510120 
关键词:症状校核表(SCL-90) 大学生 因素结构 

目的:探索和检验SCL-90在大学生样本中的因素结构。方法:采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的方法评价SCL-90在大学生样本中的因素结构。结果:探索性主成分分析显示,SCL-90的因素结构与原作者的模型不一致,第1因子解释总变异的30.06%,反映了总症状痛苦 ;验证性因素分析支持SCL-90的单因子结构模型。结论:SCL-90可能是一个总心理痛苦测量,不同人群因子结构可能不同。

Objective:To examine the factorial structure of SCL-90 in a sample of college undergraduates.Methods:Exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic approaches were used to evaluate the factor structure of this measure in a sample of college undergraduates(n=215).Results: Principle component analyses were conducted on 215 college students.The first component showed 30.06% of the total variance and was interpreted as reflecting overall symptom distress.Principle component analysis did not fit the Derogatis(1973) model.Confirmatory factor analyses supported 1-factor model.Conclusion:These results suggested that the SCL-90 may be a measure of general discomfort and different factors may be needed for different populations.


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