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作者:王进礼1 2  龚耀先1  罗贵友3  刘华强2 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院心理研究中心 湖南 长沙 410011 
 武警医学院 天津 300162 
关键词:能力倾向测验 效度 武警部队 

目的:对多项能力倾向测验(MAT)进行效度研究。方法:研究结构效度(探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等)和实证效度(以不同的职业群体区分,训练成绩、领导评定和韦氏成人智力测验作效标)。结果:结构效度 :各分量表分与总分相关较高(0.69~0.80),动作稳定分量表与总分相关较低(0.2 9)。探索性因素分析抽取了特征值大于1的四个因子 ;验证性因素分析的拟合指数CFI、NNFI均在0.95以上。实证效度 :MAT分数在不同职业群体之间、在不同学历群体之间差异显著(P <;0.01或P <;0.05) ;MAT分数与三项训练成绩总分显著相关 ;MAT总分与领导评定总分显著相关 ;MAT分数与韦氏成人智力测验简式总分及相应分测验显著相关。结论:MAT具有合理的结构效度和实证效度。

Objective:To evaluate the validity of The Multidimensional Aptitude Test(MAT).Methods:Validity included construct-related validity and criterion-related validity.The construct-related validity was examined by exploratory factor analysis(EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA).The criterion-related validity was obtained by group differentiation,training scores,leader’s rating,and WAIS respectively.Results:There were higher correlations between the total score and three sub-scales:abstract thinking ,spatial ability,attention and speed(0.68~0.80),while lower correlations between the total score and motor stability subscale(0.29).Four main factors was obtained by EFA,accounting for 54.28%of whole variance.Fit indexes of CFI and NNFI were over 0.95,RMSEA below 0.05 ,and CMIN PDF below 2.Significant differences were found among jobs and educational levels(P<0.01 or P<0.05).Significant correlations were obtained between MAT and exam scores,leader’s rating,and WAIS respectively.Conclusion: The construct-related validity is reasonable,and theoretic model provides a good fit to the data and the criterion-related validity is supported by the examinations.


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