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作者:李晧1  陈龙1  金永乐2  王悦华2  赵声咏2 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所 北京 100101 
 鞍山市心理测量科学研究所 辽宁 鞍山 114001 
关键词:公务员 警察 人格 心理健康 

目的:针对政府公职人员群体的人格和心理健康状况及其相互间的关系进行研究。方法:抽取某市2142名政府机关公务员和 985名公安民警,采用艾森克人格量表(EPQ)与症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行测量。结果:全体被试的SCL-90总分和除躯体化之外的各因子得分均显著低于全国常模,其中警察的总分又低于机关公务员。SCL-90分数存在年龄和性别差异。机关公务员与警察的人格无显著差异。被试SCL-90总分和各因子得分与其人格显著相关,其中与神经质的关联性最大。结论:公职人员整体的心理健康水平较好,但男性机关公务员及年长者的心理健康值得关注。神经质与心理健康高度关联。

Objective:To study the personalities and mental health of government employees.Methods:Subjects of civil servants(n= 142) and police(n=985) in a city were tested with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ) and the Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90).Results:The subjects’SCL-90 total scores and each factor except somatization were significantly lower than the national norms,and the total scores of the police was lower than that of the civil servants.Diversities of gender and age were found in SCL-90 scores.There was no significant difference between the personalities of two groups.Subjects’total scores and factors of SCL-90 were saliently relative to their personalities,in which neuroticism played a key role.Conclusion: The results suggested that the mental health of government employees is fine as a whole,but the male civil servants and the elder employees need to be concerned of their mental health.And attention should be paid to the high relation between neuroticism and mental health.

中国科学院知识创新工程 (KSCX2-2-03 )资助项目

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