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作者:汤毅晖  黄海  雷良忻 
单位:江西师范大学教育学院 江西 南昌 330027 
关键词:青少年 疏离感 家庭功能 人格 
分类号:B844.2 B844.2


Objective:To explore alienation of middle school students and the relationship among the family functioning, personality and alienation.Methods:528 middle school students were assessed with Alienation Scale, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluate Scale Ⅱ(FACESⅡ) and 16PF.Results:(1) Significant differences existed among grades.(2)Alienation was negatively correlated with family cohesion, adaptability, perfect family cohesion, stability, excitability, persistency, adventurousness and self-discipline ; and positively correlated with the discontented degree to family cohesion and adaptability, suspicion, worry, independency and intensity.(3) The subjects with strong sense of alienation differ apparently from those with weak sense of alienation in family functioning and personality.Conclusion: Family cohesion, worry, adventurousness, stability and suspicion were predictive factors to alienation.


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[13] Bradley RH,Corwyn RF. Home environment and behavioral development during early adolescence the med-iating and moderating roles of self efficacy beliefs. Merrill Palmer Quarterly,2001, 47(2): 165-187
[14] Kochanska G,Murray K,Coy KC.Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to early school age. Child Dev,1997,68:263-277
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[1] 朱智贤.心理学大辞典.人民教育出版社,1989.624
[2] Mau RY. The validity and devolution of a concept: Student alienation. Adolescence,1992, 27: 731-741
[3] Newman BM,Newman PR. Group identity and alienation: Giving the we its due. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2001,30(5):515-538
[4] East PL, Hess LE, Lerner RM. Peer social support and adjustment in early adolescent peer groups.J,Early Adolesc,1987,7:153-163
[5] Dishion TJ,Poulin F, Medici Skaggs N. The Ecology of Premature Autonomy in Adolescence : Biolo-gical and Social Influences. In Kerns KA,Neal-Barnett AM, Contreras JM.Family and Peers:Linking Two Social Worlds. Praeger, Westport,CT,2000.27-46
[6] 宫下一博,小林利宣.疏外感と幼儿期の家庭环境及び自己概念との关系.广岛大学教育学部纪要, 1985,(33):141-147
[7] 杨东,张进辅,黄希庭.青少年学生疏离感的理论构建及量表编制.心理学报,2002,34(4):407-413
[8] Robinson, Shaver,Wrightsman,主编.杨宜音,张志学等译.性格与社会测量总览(上).香港:远流出版事业股份有限公司,1997,389-495
[9] 汪向东.心理卫生评定量表手册.1999.142-149
[10] 王重鸣.心理学研究方法.人民教育出版社,1990.300-301
[11] 郑和钧,邓京华,等.高中生心理学.浙江教育出版社,1993.237-247
[12] Bierman KL,Smrot DL. Linking family characteristics with poor peer relations: The mediating role of con-duct problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1991,19(3): 341-355
[13] Bradley RH,Corwyn RF. Home environment and behavioral development during early adolescence the med-iating and moderating roles of self efficacy beliefs. Merrill Palmer Quarterly,2001, 47(2): 165-187
[14] Kochanska G,Murray K,Coy KC.Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to early school age. Child Dev,1997,68:263-277
[15] Rode A. Perceptions of parental behavior among alienation adolescents.Adolescence,1971,6:19-38
[16] Paulson MJ, Lin TT,Hanssen C. Family harmony: An etiologic factor in alienation. Child develop, 1972,43:591-603


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