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作者:靳胜春1 2  汪凯1  李晓驷2 
单位:1. 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经心理学实验室  安徽 合肥 230022 
 安徽省精神卫生防治中心  安徽 合肥 230032 
关键词:虚构 神经基础 心理学机制 研究进展 

虚构是虚假记忆的重要类型之一。它是指“自发地叙述一些从未发生的事件”或“器质性遗忘症患者在清醒意识下产生的记忆伪造”。但是虚构的神经基础和心理学机制目前仍不十分明了。本文重点对近些年来有关虚构的神经基础和心理学机制的研究做了较为详细的综述, 并对虚构的有关理论概念和特点作一回顾。

Confabulation is an important type of false memory. Confabulation has been defined as "falsification of memory occurring in clear consciousness in association with an organically derived amnesia" or as "spontaneous narrative reports of events that never happened". But the psychological mechanisms and neural basis of confabulation are not understood yet. In this review, we have summarized recent work that has illuminated the psychological mechanisms and neural basis of confabulation. It also discusses the key features of the concept about confabulation.


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