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单位:上海交通大学心理咨询中心  上海 200240 
关键词:大学生 上网的便利性 网络成瘾 

目的:研究大学生的类别、上网条件与网络成瘾的关系。方法:对上海某综合大学近2000名学生(含研究生)进行网络使用方面的问卷调查。结果:①男女大学生网络成瘾的平均分无差异, 但男生成瘾的比率高于女生;②网络成瘾与学生生源之间的关系随采用的网络成瘾测验的不同而不同:一测验表明农村和小城市生源的学生成瘾比例高于大中城市生源的学生, 但另一测验不支持该结论;③该校大二及其以上年级学生的成瘾分数高于大一, 但各个年级学生的网络成瘾的比例无差异;④各专业的学生网络成瘾状况无差异。结论:①网络成瘾与大学生的性别有关, 与年级、专业无关, 与生源之间的关系未定;②上网条件的显著改善从总体上可引发更多的上网行为, 但并不是网络成瘾的充分条件。

Objective:To investigate the relationships between college students' sorts, convenience for surfing in Internet and Internet addiction. Methods:Nearly 2000 college students (including graduate students) were surveyed with questionnaires about Internet usage.Results:①There were no salient differences between male and female college students in the means of IA scores, but the ratio of males addicted by the web were larger than that of females; ②One test revealed that the IA ratio was larger for students coming from the country and small cities than students coming from big and middle cities, but the other test did not sustain the result; ③ The freshmen's IA scores were lower than those of the other grade students, but there were no differences in IA scores between the other grade students; ④There were no differences in IA scores between different specialty students.Conclusion:Related factors for IA including gender and perhaps places where the students coming from, but did not including grade and speciality; The convenience improvement for surfing in Internet did not necessarily cause IA.


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[4] Young. What is Internet Addiction? http://www.netaddiction.com/whatis.htm
[5] Young. A Therapist's Guide to Assess and Treat Internet Addiction http://www.netaddiction.com/other/therapist_guide.htm
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[7] 王立皓,童辉杰.大学生网络成瘾与社会支持、交往焦虑、自我和谐的关系研究.健康心理学,2003,11(2):94-96
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