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作者:张智1  郭磊魁2 
单位:1. 云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院  云南 昆明 650092 
 昆明大学电技系 云南 昆明 650118 
关键词:应对方式 自我复原 关联 

<p><b>目的</b>:了解大学生对挫折的应对方式特点以及与自我复原的关联。<b>方法</b>:采用大学生应对方式问卷(CP)与自我复原量表(ER89)对319名1-4年级大学生进行测查。<b>结果</b>:大学生对挫折的应对方式依次主要为问题解决、转移、忍耐、求助、压抑、逃避、幻想、抱怨和退缩。传统家庭大学生比核心家庭大学生更多使用问题解决应对而较少采用逃避应对, 男生比女生更多采用问题解决和压抑应对而较少采用抱怨和逃避应对。四年级学生比其他年级学生更多使用逃避和压抑应对。自我复原均分与问题解决、求助、忍耐呈显著正相关, 与逃避、退缩、压抑呈显著负相关, 与幻想呈轻度负相关。<b>结论</b>:家庭生活环境及性别对于应对方式有一定影响, 积极应对方式有助于自我复原。</p>

<p><b>Objective</b>:To understand characteristics of coping styles and their relationship with ego-resiliency.<b>Methods</b>:319 university students from grade 1-4 were surveyed by CP and ER89.<b>Results</b>:①The main coping styles to frustration were respectively found as follows: problem solving, shifting, tolerance, help-seeking, oppressing, escaping, fantasy, complaining, and withdrawal; ②Students from traditional families had significantly higher scores of problem solving but lower scores of escaping than those of nuclear families; ③Males had significantly higher scores of problem solving and oppressing but lower scores of complaining and escaping styles than females; ④Significant higher scores of escaping and oppressing were found of the 4th grade than others; ⑤The mean scores of problem solving, help-seeking and tolerance were positively correlated with mean score of ER89, while the mean scores of escaping, withdrawal, oppressing and fantasy were negatively correlated with the mean scores of ER89.<b>Conclusion</b>:The factors of family living condition and gender affected student's coping styles to some extent, and positive coping styles benefited ego resiliency.</p>


<p>[1] 彭瑛,郭文斌,王国强.抑郁症患者抑郁症状、应付方式与人格关系的研究.中国临床心理学杂志,2003,11(3):230-231<br /> [2] 曾守锤,李其维.儿童心理弹性发展的研究综述.心理科学,2003,6:1091-10941<br /> [3] Ann S. Masten. Ordinary magic: resilience processes in development. American Psychologist, 2001,56(3): 227-235<br /> [4] 刘凤娥,黄希庭.大学生应对方式问卷的初步编制.西南师范大学硕士论文,2002<br /> [5] Tatsuma Nakao &amp; Kazuo Kato. Japanese adaptation of EgoResiliency Scale.28th ICP poster, Beijing:1-2<br /> [6] Michele M. Tugade, Barbara L. Fredrickson. Resilient individuals use positive emotions to bounce back from negative emotional experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004,86(2):320-333<br /> [7] Barbara L. Fredrickson. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden - and - build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist,2001,56(3):218-224</p>


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