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作者:周丽清1 2  鲁志鲲2  张金颖2  申继亮2 
单位:1. 杭州师范学院心理健康研究所  浙江 杭州 310036 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
关键词:元记忆判断 JOL 记忆信念 词语回忆 

目的:从心理的连续发展角度出发, 探讨不同年龄个体的元记忆判断的差异, 以及元记忆判断与记忆信念之间的关系。方法:采用计算机测验程序对68名老年人和33名年轻人进行了学习判断(JOL)测试以及词语回忆测试。同时, 对这些被试进行了记忆能力信念问卷调查。结果:①年轻组和60岁组的即时JOL值和延迟JOL值没有显著差异, 而65岁组、70岁组和75岁组的即时JOL值均显著高于延迟JOL值。②即时JOL值与特定情境记忆信念、控制感有显著的正相关, 而延迟JOL则与实际词语回忆成绩、一般记忆能力信念和特定情境记忆信念呈显著的正相关。结论:元记忆判断存在年龄差异, 个体的自身的记忆信念与元记忆判断有密切的关系。

Objective:To explore the age-related changes in metamemory judgment, and the relationship between matememoey judgments and memory beliefs.Methods:JOL test in computers and Self-referent Memory Beliefs Scale were administered to 68 elders and 33 young students in Beijing.Results:①There were no difference between scores of immediate JOL and scores of delayed JOL between young students and adults aged 60, and scores of immediate JOL were significantly higher than those of delayed JOL in adults above 65, 70, and 75 years old. ②There were significant positive correlation among scores of immediate JOL, specific efficacy beliefs and memory control, and scores of delayed JOL was significantly correlated to global efficacy beliefs, specific efficacy beliefs and recall performance.Conclusion:There were age-related changes in metamemory judgment, and memory beliefs were closely related to the matememoey judgments.


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