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作者:汤艳清1 2  谢光荣1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 湖南长沙410011 
 中国医科大学精神卫生教研室 辽宁沈阳110001 
关键词:抑郁症 脑结构影像学 


The main symptomes of depression are mood disorder and the changes of recognitive function. But it is un-clear for the mechanism of neurobiochemcal. Many studies revealed that there are abnormalities function in neuroanatom-ical circuit (limbic-cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic tract especially in frontal cortex、hippocampus and amydala). This article will briefly review this neuroanatomical circuit and the changes of brain structural of this circuit in depression. The changes of frontal cortex、hippocampus and amydala will be mainly explored. Finally, potential mechanisms for structural brain abnormalities in depression will be discussed and the question of whether depression is the cause or effect of abnor-malities in brain structure will be addressed. I wish it can give some ideas for the future study.


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