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作者:王文富1  刘诗翔1  梁燕1  汪洪1  李筱媛2  王琳1 
单位:1 成都军区昆明总医院神经内科 云南 昆明 650032 
 云南省第一人民医院风湿免疫科 云南 昆明 650032 
关键词:血流速度 认知 神经心理任务 经颅超声多普勒 

目的:探讨视觉空间认知活动对脑血流速度(CBFV)的影响及性别和任务完成质量对相对的CBFV变化的影响。方法:在完成视觉空间认知活动时及其先前的休息期,对45个正常的志愿者(右利手)用经颅超声多普勒(TCD)监测其双侧大脑中动脉血流速度的变化。结果:完成认知任务时与休息时期相比,所有认知任务的完成均诱导出双侧大脑中动脉血流速度的显著变化(P<0.001),这种变化显示出显著的右侧大脑半球偏侧化(P<0.01)。性别对认知活动所诱导的脑血流速度未产生显著的影响(P >0.05),任务表现质量(得分)对CBFV的变化不产生显著的影响。结论:视觉空间认知活动可诱导CBFV的右侧偏侧化。

Objective:We sought to investigate the effect of CBFV induced by visual spatial Cognitive Activities and to determine the influence of gender, quality of the performance on the relative CBFV changes.Methods: Simultaneous bilateral TCD monitoring of CBFV in the middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) was performed in 45 right-handed normal volunteers during 11 verbal and visuospatial tasks and their preceding rest periods.Results: All tasks induced a significant bilateral CBFV increase in the MCAs compared with the preceding rest periods and showed a significant lateralized right-hemispheric acceleration(P0.01). Gender did not show higher relative CBFV changes(P0.05). Performance quality did not reveal significant effects on CBFV change.Conclusion: Visual spatial cognitive activities can induce a significant lateralized right-hemispheric acceleration.


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