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作者:屈秋民  乔晋  郭峰  韩建峰  杨剑波  武成斌 
单位:西安交通大学第一医院神经内科 陕西 西安 710061 
关键词:痴呆 诊断 神经心理量表 


Objective:To study the influence of screening dementia with mini-mental state examination (MMSE) combining with delay memory test. Methods: MMSE and delay memory test are used in screening 301 residents. The diagnosis of dementia is according to the DSM-Ⅲ-R criterion. The validity and reliability were studied when the MMSE and delay memory test were used to screen dementia alone or combined. Results: When MMSE was used to screen dementia alone, the specificity, sensitivity, false positive proportion and false negative proportion were 85.40%, 52.43%, 47.56% and 14.60% respectively. When delay memory test was used to screen dementia alone, the specificity, sensitivity, false positive proportion and false negative proportion were 74.45%, 92.07%, 7.93% and 25.55% respectively. If parallel connection of MMSE and delay memory test were used to screen dementia, the specificity, sensitivity, false positive proportion and false negative proportion were 95.62%, 49.39%, 50.61% and 4.38% respectively. If MMSE was in series with delay memory test, the specificity, sensitivity, false positive proportion and false negative proportion of screening dementia were 64.23%, 95.73%, 4.27% and 35.77% respectively.Conclusion: The parallel connection of MMSE and delay memory test can elevate sensitivity of screening dementia and decrease false negative proportion, so it is important in epidemiologic investigation. MMSE in series with delay memory test will raise specificity of screening dementia and decrease false positive proportion, so it is useful for diagnosing early dementia.


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