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作者:朱海燕1 2  张锋1 2  沈模卫2  徐梅1 
单位:1 云南师范大学心理系 云南 昆明 650092 
 浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
关键词:大学生 互联网相关社会-心理健康 因素分析 互联网使用动机 


Objective:To explore the structure of concept of the Internet-related social-psychological health for undergraduates and develop The Internet-related Social-psychological Health Scale for Undergraduates (ISHS-CS).Methods: Employing exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of the data of ISHS-CS.based on 2 samples of 511 and 581 of undergraduates respectively.Results: ① The structure of Internet-related social-psychological health for undergraduates consisted of 5 primary factors, viz. loneliness, social involvement, general depression, life happiness and life satisfaction. These five factors could be generalized into 2 higher-order dimensions, namely social health and psychological health. The ISHS-CS had satisfactory item validity, internal consistent reliability, construct validity and criterion-related validity. ② Relation of time of Internet use to Internet-related social-psychological health was unremarkable, but, some relation between frequency of internet use and social-psychological health was found. ③ Compared with the undergraduates based on Social-affective motive of Internet-use, those based on Information-acquisition motive possessed higher level of Internet-related social-psychological health.Conclusion: The concept of Internet-related social-psychological health was a reasonable construct for undergraduates, and the ISHS-CS could serve as a measurement of Internet-related social-psychological health for undergraduates.


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