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作者:张锋1  邓云菁2  杨宏3  沈模卫4 
单位:1. 宁波大学心理系 浙江 宁波 351211 
 云南师范大学心理系 云南 昆明 650092 
关键词:复吸行为 社会-环境模型 动机-自我概念模型 认知加工模型 神经-心理模型 


Based on the existing literatures,four basic models for drug addiction and relapse behavior researches were generalized,namely,the motive and self-concept model,the social-environment model,the cognitive processing model,and the neuropsychological model.Analyzing the research evidence in the area,the authors considered that relapse behavior was caused by a great many diverse factors,consequently,any of these models failed to make strong predication for relapse behavior.After reviewing the addiction models,the possibilities of future integrative research in the area were discussed.


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