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作者:马伟娜  徐华 
单位:杭州师范学院教育科学学院心理健康研究所 浙江 杭州 310036 
关键词:中学生 生活事件 自我效能 焦虑 抑郁 


Objective: To explore the relationship between life events, and self-efficacy and emotion in middle school students. Methods: Two hundred and seventy-four middle school students were surveyed by ASLEC (Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List), GSES(General Self-Efficacy Scale), SAS(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale) and SDS(Self-Rating Depression Scale). Results: The mean scores of life events had no significant differences between males and females. There were significant gender differences in self-efficacy, females were poorer than males, but not in anxiety and depression. Life events were significantly positively correlated to anxiety and depression. Self-efficacy was significantly negatively correlated to anxiety and depression. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that life events scores, self-efficacy and personal relationship scores were significant predictors of anxiety and depression. Self-efficacy occupies more rates than life event scores and personal relationship scores to influence both anxiety and depression. Path analysis indicated self-efficacy was an important mediater of life events and emotion. Conclusion: Life events and self-efficacy are widely significantly correlated to anxiety and depression of middle school students. Life events not only have direct effect on emotion, but also are mediated by self-efficacy.


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