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作者:陈小奕1  孟平1  董选1  刘小军2  王苏弘1  徐枫1 
单位:1. 常州市第一人民医院 江苏 常州 213003 
 苏州大学附属第二医院 江苏 苏州 215004 
关键词:空间视觉注意 事件相关电位 儿童 


Objective: To study the characteristic of children's Event-Related Potentials by visual-spatial attention stimuli. Methods: 30 8-year-old healthy children were examined with two lists of visual-spatial attention stimuli (valid and invalid). While the stimulus information was shown to participants, EEG was recorded simultaneously. Results: In the occipital region, the N1 and P2 components were enhanced by validly cued stimuli; In the frontal and central regions, the P1 component was enhanced by validly cued stimuli and the N1 component was enhanced by invalidly cued stimuli. The latencies of the N1 in the occipital region were significantly shorter than those in the frontal and central regions. Conclusion: There is an enhanced efficiency of sensory-perceptual processing for attended location stimuli(validly cued stimuli), but children's target performance is affected by the mere variation of information in non-target channels.


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