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作者:王金良1 2  吴明霞1 2  余林1 2 
单位:1. 西南大学教育科学研究所 重庆 400715 
 西南大学心理健康教育研究中心 重庆 400715 
关键词:物质成瘾 Stroop效应 心理机制 


Addiction -Stroop task has been used to examine addiction abusers’attention bias on addiction-relatedstimulations. Many researches have been done to examine the psychological mechanism of addiction-Stroop effects, including emotionality and mood effects, memory for addiction-related concepts, brain-sensitization theories, automaticity ofdistractibility, and theories of current concerns. However, differences still exist among them. In the end, we put forwardsome suggestions for the future research.


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