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作者:程灶火1  陶金花2  刘新民1  袁国桢2 
单位:1. 无锡市精神卫生中心 江苏 无锡 214151 
 皖南医学院心理系 安徽 芜湖 241002 
关键词:学习技能诊断测验 小学生 信度 效度 


Objective: To develop a Academic Skill Diagnostic Test and examine it’s reliability and validity.Methods:Academic Skill Diagnostic Test(ASDT) was developed by rational approach for primary school students, dividing into low gradeedition for 1-3 grade students and high-grade edition for 4-6 grade students. Every edition had two subscales: Chinese subscale consisted of phonetics, spelling, and reading comprehension, Mathematic subscale included quantitative conception, computation, and application. About 1000 students were administered the ASDT, among whom 95 students were re-tested after two months, and 75 students received Chinese Cognitive Ability Scale. Results: The difficulty and discrimination of the ASDT were 0.49-0.78 and 0.29-0.61 for low-grade edition, and 0.52-0.86 and 0.39-0.60 for high grade edition. The stability coefficients, split-half reliability, α coefficients were 0.73-0.90, 0.66-0.95, and 0.70-0.97 forlow-grade edition, 0.73-0.89, 0.62-0.89, and 0.79-0.95 for high-grade edition. The correlations between subtests ranged from 0.39 to 0.97, and the correlations between subtests and total scores were 0.71-0.95. The correlations between subtest scores and IQs were 0.55-0.81,and the correlations between subtest scores and school examination scores were 0.19-0.74.Conclusion: The stability, internal consistency, and validity of the ASDT are good and meet with psychometric standard.


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