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作者:袁立新1  张积家2 
单位:1. 广东教育学院教育系 广东 广州 510303 
 华南师范大学心理系 广东 广州 510631 
关键词:完美主义 问卷法 大学生 人际问题 孤独感 


Objective: To study the relationship between perfectionism and interpersonal problems as well as lonelinessof college students. Methods: 638 college students were tested with Perfectionism Self-Presentation Scale(PSPS), Inventoryof Interpersonal Problems( IIP-32) and UCLA Loneliness Scale(UCLA) . Results: There was significant correlation betweenthree kinds of perfectionism and interpersonal problems as well as loneliness. And the three kinds of perfectionismcould well predict interpersonal problems (Need to appear perfect: β=-0.089; need to avoid appearing imperfect: β=0.268;need to avoid disclosing imperfections: β=0.287). Need to appear perfect and interpersonal problems could predict loneliness(β=-0.114, β=0.605). Furthermore, need to appear perfect, need to avoid appearing imperfect and need to avoid disclosingim perfections could influence loneliness via interpersonal problems. Conclusion: The need to appear perfect could be beneficial to relieve interpersonal problems and loneliness. While the need to avoid appearing imperfect and the needto avoid disclosing imperfections could increase interpersonal problems and loneliness. Interpersonal problems could serveas moderator between perfectionism and loneliness.


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