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作者:陈秋燕1  付丹丹2  陈薇2  王建平2 
单位:1. 西南民族大学政治与社会学院 四川成都 610041 
 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 
关键词:进食障碍 自尊 身体不满 初中女生 


Objective:The present study investigated the influence of self-esteem in eating disorders, and the mediation effect of body dissatisfaction.Methods:1147 girls from 4 junior middle schools in Chengdu were investigated by Eating Symptoms Checklist-21, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and Eating Disorder Inventory.Their weight and height were also collected by self-report questionnaire.Results:Self-esteem negatively predicted eating disorder symptoms, the lower the self-esteem they had, the more eating disorder symptoms they would got.Body dissatisfaction which was a mediator between self-esteem and eating disorder symptoms was a significant predictor to eating disorders symptoms.Conclusion:To self-esteem, which serves as a negative predictor to eating disorder symptoms.Body dissatisfaction is a mediator.


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