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作者:杜建政  祝振兵  李兴琨 
单位:河南大学教育科学学院心理与行为研究所 河南开封 475001 
关键词:公正世界信念 终极公正 内在不公正 内在公正 


Objective: To explore the structure of belief in a just world and develop the just world scale for college students. Methods: The Undergraduate Just World Scale was administered to an undergraduate sample(141 males and 115 females) for Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA); the emendatory questionnaire was filled by 345 undergraduate(192 males, 153 females) for Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA). Results: EFA revealed that the structure of belief in a just world included three dimensions: Ultimate Justice, Immanent Injustice, and Immanent Justice; CFA revealed χ2/df =1.964, GFI=0.906, RMR=0.054, TLI=0.839; reliability analysis revealed the full scale's Cronbach α=0.808 and the reliability of each subscale was beyond Cronbach α=0.64. Conclusion: The questionnaire has good 3-dimension structure, acceptable internal consistency and can be used in future research on college students' mental health.


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