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作者:郭素然1  辛自强1  耿柳娜2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 北京 100875 
 南京大学社会学系 江苏 南京 210093 
关键词:临床心理学 生活事件 心理测量学 IES-R 信度 效度 青少年 


Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of Chinese version of Impact of Event Scale-Revised(IES-R) developed by Weiss(1997).Methods: Based on a sample consisting of 604 junior and senior school students, main reliabilities and validities of Chinese version of IES-R were examined.Results: The Cronbach α of IES-R was 0.89.The split-half reliability was 0.93.A three-factor structure interpreted the 44.59% of total variance.The convergent validity with Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Scale authorized by Liu Xianchen was 0.55.Conclusion: The Chinese version of IES-R was a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the impact of life event on adolescents.


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