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作者:郝志红1 2  梁宝勇1 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究中心 天津 300074 
 天津医科大学医学人文科学系 天津 300070 
关键词:寻求专业性心理帮助 问卷 信度 效度 

目的:对Fischer和Turner 1970年编制的寻求专业性心理帮助的态度问卷进行修订和信效度检验。方法:在研究、分析国外相关问卷和预备测试的基础上,选取了天津市700名不同年级、不同专业的在校大学生,同时选取了45名主动到心理咨询中心寻求帮助的大学生为被试进行测试,验证中文版的信、效度。结果:问卷的内部一致性信度从0.562-0.810。各个维度与总问卷分的相关在0.695-0.838之间,问卷的内容效度比较好。各个维度分间的相关系数在0.301-0.499之间,略低于各维度与总问卷的相关,可见该问卷有较好的结构效度。验证性因素分析验证了4维度模型,而且构成各维度的题目也同原版本相同。结论:本研究修订的寻求专业性心理帮助的态度问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以满足今后国内有关研究和应用的需要。

Objective: To revise the ATSPPH(Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help)(Fischer Turner, 1970) and to exam the reliability and validity of ATSPPH's Chinese revision.Methods: Based on studying and analyzing foreign related questionnaires, as well as preparation test, the study chose 700 university students from different grades and majors, together with 45 students who went to the consult center to seek help, as subjects to exam the reliability and validity of ATSPPH's Chinese revision.Results: The Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the questionnaire were from 0.562-0.810.Correlation between each dimension and total questionnaire were from 0.695-0.838.It was demonstrated that the questionnaire had good content validity.Correlation between each dimension were from 0.301-0.499, which was slightly lower than those between each dimension and the total questionnaire;thus it is clear that the questionnaire had good structure validity.Confirmatory factor analysis verified 4 dimension models, and the items of each dimension were the same as the originally version.Conclusion: The revised ATSPPH has good reliability and validity, which can satisfy the domestic demand for relevant research and application.


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