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作者:刘晓明1 2  王丽荣1  金宏章1  秦红芳2 
单位:1. 哈尔滨工程大学应用心理学研究所 黑龙江哈尔滨150001 
 东北师范大学心理学系 吉林长春130024 
关键词:职业压力 职业倦怠 教师 作用机制 


Objective:To investigate the mechanism of occupational stress on job burnout of primary and middle?school teachers.Methods:511 primary and middle school teachers responded the questionnaires.Results:Job burnout?was negatively correlated with teaching efficacy?self-conception and social support,and positively correlated with occupational?stress and role conflict/ambiguity.The mechanism of occupational stress on job burnout had two paths:one was occupational?stress worked on job burnout in virtue of self-concept and role conflict/ambiguity of cognitive system;the other?was occupational stress changed teaching efficacy in virtue of the self-conception and role conflict/ambiguity in cognitive?system and the mediation of social support system.Conclusion:Occupational stress,job satisfaction,teaching efficacy,self-concept,social support and role conflict/ambiguity are the important factors that impact job burnout.The effects of occupational?stress on job burnout can be reduced through adjusting the cognitive system and social support system.


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