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作者:贺忠1  匡凡1  谭利华1  杨立萍1  梁猛2 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院放射科 湖南 长沙 410011 
 中国科学院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室 北京 100080 
关键词:精神分裂症 功能磁共振成像 静息状态 局部一致性 

目的:利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)和局部一致性(regional homogeneity,ReHo)方法探测精神分裂症患者在静息状态下是否存在脑功能异常。方法:对18例精神分裂症患者和18例正常对照进行静息状态的fMRI检查,应用ReHo方法处理fMRI数据。结果:与正常人相比,精神分裂症患者静息状态下脑的BOLD信号的ReHo普遍降低(P<0.05)。ReHo降低的脑区有双侧额叶内侧回、颞上回、颞下回、枕中回、枕下回和小脑后叶;左侧扣带回前部、海马回、颞中回、中央后回和脑桥;右侧额上回、顶上小叶、楔前叶、中央旁小叶、中央前回和小脑蚓部。结论:精神分裂症患者在静息状态下即可能存在脑功能异常,ReHo可能有助于精神分裂症静息状态的理解。

Objective: To explore whether abnormal brain activity exists in schizophrenics during resting state by fMRI technique and regional homogeneity(ReHo)approach.Methods: fMRI images were obtained in resting state from 18 patients with schizophrenia diagnosed with the DSM-Ⅳ criteria and 18 control subjects.The newly published ReHo approach was applied for fMRI data analysis.Results: Patients with schizophrenia showed decreased ReHo of BOLD signal in resting brain compared with control subjects(P<0.05).The decreased ReHo was distributed over bilateral medial frontal,superior and inferior temporal,middle and inferior occipital gyrus and cerebellar posterior lobe;the left hemespheric orbital frontal,anterior cingulate,parahippocampal,middle temporal,postcentral gyrus and pons in brainstem;the right hemespheric rectus gyrus,superior parietal lobule,precuneus,paracentral lobule,precentral gyrus and cerebellar vermis.Conclusion: The resting state fMRI study showed that abnormal brain activity of schizophrenia might exist in resting state.The ReHo may be potentially helpful in exploring resting state of schizophrenia.


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