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作者:朱海燕  宋志一  邓云菁  向敬兰 
单位:云南师范大学心理系  云南 昆明 650092 
关键词:金钱观 性别差异 大学生 社会化 


Objective:This study explored the gender difference of university students’ socialized attitudes about money.Methods:290 undergraduates’ money attitudes were tested by the money scale and the visual assess scale.Results:①As an independent factor, gender had limited effect to explain the money attitude difference. Female had lower expectation of future earning and more dependence on others than male. ②However, when gender was analyzed with other factors, the gender effect was more significant in five factors:monetary equality, monetary superiority, money as negative, parental influences and bargain hunting. ③For males, money was the most important thing to gain rights; female students considered that more money meant more dependence and freedom.Conclusion:Male and female students have distinct money socialization tracks.


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