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作者:吴明证1  孙晓玲2  梁宁建3 
单位:1. 浙江大学心理与行为科学系  浙江 杭州 310028 
  浙江 杭州 310036 
关键词:外显自尊 内隐自尊 迷思 抑郁 


Objective:To investigate the relationship of explicit self-esteem,implicit self-esteem,rumination and depression in a sample of adolescents.Methods:171 adolescents were investigated by Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale,CES-D,Ruminative Responses Scale and self-esteem IAT.Results:Pearson's correlation analysis showed a significant and negative relationship between explicit self-esteem and rumination(r=-0.394,P<0.001)and depression(r=-0.467,P<0.001).However,rumination and depression correlated positively(r=0.634,P<0.001).It showed that rumination partially mediated the effect of explicit self-esteem on depression.Once rumination entered the regression equation as a predictor,the index of the effect of explicit self-esteem×implicit self-esteem on depression dropped from-0.169 to-0.090(β=0.090,t=-1.499,P=0.139,n.s.).Conclusion:The effect of explicit self-esteem × implicit self-esteem on depression was mediated by rumination.


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