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作者:孙配贞1  郑雪1  余祖伟2 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心、心理学系  广东 广州 510631 
 广州广播电视大学管理学院  广东 广州 510091 
关键词:学校生活满意度 感戴 自尊 分层回归 


Objective:To explore the relationship among gratitude,self-esteem,and school life satisfaction of junior high school students.Methods:840 junior high school students were assessed by Gratitude Inventory,Self-Esteem Scale and School Life Satisfaction Rating Questionnaire.Results:① There were significant discrepancies between different gender,grade and school types in school life satisfaction.②Total score of gratitude,and three dimensions of gratitudepeople orientation,things orientation,morality orientation,and self-esteem were related to school life satisfaction.③ Hierarchical regression indicated that standard regression coefficient of people orientation gratitude,things orientation gratitude and self-esteem on school life satisfaction was positive and significant(β=0.12、0.13、0.36,P<0.05 or 0.01)after controlling the demography variables.Conclusion:Gratitude and self-esteem are predictable factors to school life satisfaction.


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