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作者:陈健1 2  燕良轼1  周丽华3 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学心理学系 湖南长沙 410081 
 湖南工学院大学生发展研究中心 湖南衡阳 421002 
关键词:自悯量表 自尊 信度 效度 


Objective:To investigate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Self-Compassion Scale(SCS)in Chinese undergraduate students sample.Methods:The Chinese version of SCS was used to assess 660 undergraduatestudents,50 of whom participated in the retest two weeks later.SES,SWLS,and PANAS were used as the criteria-related validity instrument.Results:①Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed the scale was composed of 6factors which all supported the structure model;②The total score of Self-compassion Scale had significant correlation withthe total scores of the scales of self-esteem,satisfaction with life,positive affect,and negative affect.Controlling the scoresof self-esteem,there was still significant relationship between the total scores of the scales of self-compassion and satisfactionwith life,self-compassion and positive affect,and self-compassion and negative affect;③Cronbach's α coefficientsof the Chinese version of SCS was 0.84,test-retest reliability of the Chinese version of SCS was 0.89.Conclusion:The Chinese version of SCS has acceptable psychometric quality.It can be used to measure the self-compassion of Chinesecollege students.


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