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作者:王美芳1  刘莉1  王玉廷2 
单位:1. 山东师范大学心理学院  山东济南 250014 
 山东省交通厅幼儿园  山东济南 250002 
关键词:父母婚姻质量 亲子依恋 幼儿焦虑 


Objective:The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships among parents' marital quality,parent-child attachment and preschoolers' anxiety.Methods:A sample of 197 preschoolers and their mothers completed the following questionnaires:ENRICH Marital Inventory,Waters-Deane's Attachment Q-set and Spence Preschool Anxi-ety Scale.Results:①The scores of total ENRICH scale and subscales except equalitarian roles were significantly and negatively correlated with the scores of total scale and most subscales of anxiety.②The scores of total scale and three subscales of ENRICH were significantly and positively correlated with parent-child attachment.③Parent-child attachment had significant and negative correlations with the scores of total scale and subscales of anxiety except obsessive-compul-sive disorder.④Mediating effect test indicated that parent-child attachment partly mediated the relation between parents' marital quality and preschoolers' anxiety.Conclusion:Parents' marital quality and parent-child attachment have signifi-cant effects on preschool children's anxiety,and parent-child attachment has partly mediating effects on the relationship between parents' marital quality and children's anxiety.


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