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作者:袁晓娇1  蔡蓉2  方晓义1 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京100875 
 北京信息科技大学人文社科学院  北京 100192 
关键词:一般完美主义 伴侣间完美主义 婚姻满意度 夫妻 


Objective:To explore the features of Chinese couples' perfectionism,and its relation to marital satisfaction.Methods:155 couples were investigated by the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and rectified version of Multiple Perfectionism Scale.Results:①Compared with wives,husbands were significantly higher in self-oriented,social prescribed,others-oriented,and partner prescribed perfectionism,while lower in partner-oriented perfectionism.②Husbands were higher in others-oriented perfectionism than partner-oriented perfectionism,while wives were just the reverse.There's no significant difference in husbands' social and partner prescribed perfectionism,while wives were higher in social prescribed perfectionism than in partner prescribed perfectionism.③Both couples' self-oriented perfectionism could positively predict husbands' marital satisfaction,while both the couples' partner prescribed perfectionism had negative effects.For wives' satisfaction,husbands' self-oriented perfectionism had positive effects,while both the couples' partner prescribed perfectionism and wives' partner-oriented perfectionism had negative effects.Conclusion:General perfectionism can not significantly predict marital satisfaction.

国家科技支撑计划项目“我国家庭婚姻亲子关系问题的综合筛查评估与干预示范研究:National key Technologies R&D Program”(2009BAI77B05)

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