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作者:张云运1 4  王海梅2  孙铃3  陈会昌4 
单位:1. 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室  北京100875 
 中国聋儿康复研究中心  北京100029 
关键词:特质情感类型 友谊质量 同伴接纳 学校态度 


Objective:investigate the types of trait affect,and its relationship with peer relationship and school attitude.Methods:638 students participated in the current study.Questionnaires were used to explore the characteristics ofstudents’ types of trait affect,and its relationship with peer relationship and school attitude.Results:①The students’ traitaffect could be classified into 4 types:including high-positive and low-negative type(37.0%),low-positive and high-negativetype(28.9%),low-positive and low-negative type(24.9%),and high-positive and high-negative type(9.2%).②The 4types differed significantly in peer relationship and school attitude.High-positive and low-negative type showed the highestscores on school attitude,peer acceptation and friendship quality;low-positive and low-negative type scored the loweston peer acceptation and friendship quality;and low-positive and high-negative type had the worst school attitude.③Friendship quality but not peer acceptation served as a partial mediator in the relationship between types of trait affect andschool attitude.Conclusion:Trait affect types can predict school attitude,and friendship works as a mediator between theabove two variables.


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