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作者:朱海燕  李光裕  宋星 
单位:云南师范大学心理系  云南昆明650092 
关键词:网络人际 人格 人际知觉 人际选择 


Objective:explore what is the most positive and the negative factor affecting internet relationship.Methods:The questionnaire listed 12 positive factors and 11 negative factors for 310 undergraduate students to rate theireffect in choosing friends.Results:①The most important attractive factors in internet were good characters,witty wordsand humorous,and kindred spirit.Coming from the same place,mysterious,and opposite sex were the weakest factors forattracting others.②The attracting personality factors from the higher important level to lower level were agreeableness,conscientiousness,neuroticism,extraversion,and openness.③The most important negative factors for keeping the relationshipwere lacking common topics to discuss,inconformity personality perception,and false essential information.Conclusion:The most attracting factor in internet relationship is intrinsic characters.Inconformity and false information willeasily induce the end of relationship.


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