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作者:梁丽婵1  李欢欢1 2 
单位:1. 中山大学心理学系  广东广州510275 
 中国人民大学心理学系  北京100872 
关键词:自杀意念 归因方式 心理求助 应激 


Objective:The present study explored whether attributional style and help-seeking were moderators on theinfluence of negative life events to suicide ideation among college students.Methods:Three hundred and seventy-threecollege students recruited from Guangzhou completed the self-reported measures of the Chinese version of Suicide IdeationQuestionnaire(SIQ),Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List(ASLEC),Attributional Style Questionnaire(ASQ),andGeneral Help-seeking Questionnaire (GHSQ).Hierarchical Regression Analysis was used to explore the interactive effects.Results:①Stressful life experiences were significantly correlated with individual suicidal ideation.②Attritional style andhelp-seeking moderated the influence of stressful life events on suicide ideation.Conclusion:Stressful life events contributingto suicide ideation are moderated through attributional style and help-seeking.


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