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作者:佟月华  韩颖 
单位:济南大学教育与心理科学学院  山东济南250022 
关键词:延迟折扣 虚拟奖金选择任务 数学模型 延迟折扣率(k) 曲线下的面积(AUC) 


Delay discounting refers to the tendency to discount the subjective value of future reward as a function ofthe delay to receiving them.Researchers usually use hypothetical money choice task to ask subjects to make choices betweensmaller-sooner rewards and larger-later rewards.Experiment task can be presented via the mode of computer,indexcard,and questionnaire.The mathematical models include one-parameter model and two-parameter model.Discountingrate (k),area-under-the-curve (AUC),and ED50 are used to measure delay discounting.Future research should focus onthe utility of two-parameter models,measurement indicators,and applicability of the one-shot delay discounting measure.


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