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作者:林丹华1  苏少冰1  胡伟1  何立群2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
 西南交通大学心理研究与咨询中心  四川成都 610031 
关键词:工读学校 普通中学学生 毒品使用行为 影响因素 


Objective: To compare the characteristics of drug use,refusal efficacy,drug attitude and refusal intention between reform school students and middle school students.Methods: A sample of 673 reform school and middle school students was recruited to complete a survey regarding characteristics of drug use behavior and its contributing factors.Results: About 41% reform school students and 2.5% middle school students reported that they had used drugs respectively.With the incease of participants' age,the drug use rate increased.Middle school students reported higher level of refusal intention,and refusal efficacy than reform school students.Moreover,middle school students had more negative attitude towards drug use compared to reform school students.In addition,refusal efficacy was one of the most important predictor to drug use behavior.Conclusion: More attention should be paid to drug use among reform school students.Refusal efficacy should be included in school drug use prevention intervention program,so as to enhance the efficacy of school drug use prevention education.


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