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作者:定险峰1  易晓明2 
单位:1. 华中师范大学心理学院  湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室  湖北武汉430079 
 上海交通大学心理咨询中心  上海200240 
关键词:慈善捐赠 人格宜人性 情境 共情 

目的:探讨群体灾难下慈善捐赠的影响因素及共情的中介效应。方法:297名大学生被试,先采用情境实验探讨人格宜人性、情境强度、捐赠关系和强化对慈善捐赠的影响,在此基础上再考查共情的认知和情绪反应在其中的中介效应。结果: ①人格宜人性和捐赠关系对慈善捐赠有影响;人格宜人性、情境强度和捐赠关系有交互作用。②共情在宜人性对慈善捐赠的影响中有部分中介效应,而在捐赠关系的影响中没有中介效应。结论:人格和情境因素对慈善捐赠都有影响,但在群体灾难情境下主要不是通过共情机制实现的。

Objective:explore the effect of personal and situational factors on charitable donations in disaster condition and the underlying mechanism of empathy.Methods:297 subjects attended a simulated charitable donation experiment.After exploring the effect of agreeableness,degree of disaster situation,relation between the donators and victimsand reinforcement on charitable donation,a model including two dimensions of empathy(perspective taking and sympathy)was constructed to analyze the mediation effect.Results:①The effects of agreeableness and donation relationship weresignificant.There was a 3-way interaction effect of agreeableness,degree of situation and donation relationship.②Therewas a partly mediating effect of empathy in the relation between agreeableness and donation,while not any mediating effect in the case of donation relationship.Conclusion:Personality and situation factors both have effect on charitable donations.However,empathy is not the most important mechanism in disaster condition.


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