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作者:周海波  钟毅平 
单位:湖南师范大学教育科学学院  湖南长沙410081 
关键词:作为 不作为 反馈相关负波 P300 

目的:探讨"作为"与"不作为"两种不同决策行为下,"差"结果引起的大脑电位活动差异。方法:采用事件相关电位技术,让被试进行模拟股票购买操作,记录给予被试"涨"或"跌"反馈结果时的脑部电位。结果: 观察到明显的反馈相关负波(feedback related negativity FRN)与P300成分,但未发现"作为"与"不作为"在两个成分上的显著差异,继而对"作为"与"不作为"两种情境下的差异波分析发现,在P300时间窗内,"作为"情境产生了更大的差异波。结论:"作为"与"不作为"两种决策情境导致的"差"结果在FRN时间窗内差异不显著,但P300时间窗内"作为"情境诱发了更大的差异波,这可能与"作为"情境下更多的正性情绪体验相关。

Objective:compare the brain activations followed two choices of action and inaction.Methods:Withevent -related potentials(ERP),present study make subjects performance a mock -stock trading,and while the authorrecording the results of feedback-related negativity(FRN) and P300.Results:With four experimental conditions(purchase/rise,purchase/fall,not purchase/rise,and not purchase/fall),the results showed that there’s no difference between FRNand P300 amplitude with action and inaction.The difference wave shows no difference between action and inaction forFRN,but action with larger P300.Conclusion:There is no difference of FRN between action and inaction in this study,but action with more larger difference waves suggested more intense emotional activation.


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